Tuesday 11 June 2024

Shoe Polish

The slightly elevated cheerfulness following a well executed shoe polish.


Monday 10 June 2024

Daily Drawings 01

 I started having a sketchbook to do at least one drawing each day. Stamp the date on the page and make sure to draw at least something for that date. I recently finished the first book. It lasted from April 11th 2024 until June 8th 2024. I put the page scans in a gallery.


Here are a few of the drawings.

Thursday 6 June 2024

Arial Pig Display

 Arial Pig Display Lino Print. At speeds like this safety goggles are essential.

Friday 31 May 2024



Fish delivery van somewhere between Ningyocho and Akihabara. Tokyo, Japan. 2019.

Thursday 30 May 2024

Wednesday 29 May 2024


 View from hotel across the Hakata River. Fukuoka, Japan. 2019.

Sunday 12 May 2024

Knitting Pattern People

 I put up a page with all the drawings of people from old knitting patterns (or old magazines with knitting patterns in them). This is a selection of a few of them.

I got these knitting patterns and magazines in charity shops.

This is a link to the page.


Friday 10 May 2024

Sketchbookery 2022-24

 I recently finished all the pages in two sketchbooks. This is a selection of drawings from both. If you want to see them all they each have their own page.

A Talens Art Creation started on June 16th 2022 and finished on May 2nd 2024.



 A Stillman & Birn Gamma softcover. Started in Autumn 2022 and finished on May 7th 2024.


Friday 2 February 2024